An Open Letter from Reese Witherspoon to Hollywood, Her Fans, and the Entire Entertainment Community Dear Hollywood, Fans, and Friends. As I sit down to reflect on my fantastic work experience, my heart is overflowing with appreciation. I feel really fortunate to have had opportunity to grow, mature, and share meaningful experiences. Today, I’d want to take a moment to thank each of you for your love, support, and unshakeable belief in me, which has enabled this trip.
Thank you, Hollywood, for providing a place where dreams can fly. From the early days of navigating auditions to the thrill of creating projects that empower and inspire, this profession has been my creative haven. The opportunities I’ve had to play complicated characters, create significant tales, and collaborate with brilliant brains have developed me not only as an artist, but also as a person.
To my fans, you are my biggest supporters. Your letters, texts, and shouts have helped me overcome every obstacle and enjoy every accomplishment. Knowing that my art has touched you, made you laugh, cry, or change your perspective on the world, is the best present I could ever receive. Your support supports my passion, and I am eternally thankful.
Thank you for creating an environment conducive to creativity in the entertainment industry. To the authors, directors, producers, performers, and numerous behind-the-scenes heroes with whom I’ve collaborated, you have all inspired me. We’ve worked together to tell stories that entertain, educate, and empower, and I’m proud to have contributed to this tapestry of brilliance.
As I look ahead, I am more determined than ever to encourage uplifting tales, voices that ought to be heard, and creativity that challenges the existing quo. Thank you for joining me on this journey, believing in my vision, and allowing me to grow alongside you.
With my whole heart,
Reese Witherspoon