An Epochal Open Letter from Malaya Cowles to the Wake Forest Demon Deacons, Fans, and the Entire Deacons Community Dear Wake Forest Family, Demon Deacons Fans, and the Entire Deacons Community, I am overwhelmed by the support, encouragement, and unwavering belief you have shown me throughout my career. As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is filled with gratitude, love, and deep appreciation for the incredible journey we have shared from the moment I stepped onto the court wearing the Wake Forest jersey.
I am grateful to Wake Forest University for providing me with the chance to develop not only as an athlete but also as a person. This program has taught me the true meaning of perseverance, dedication, and collaboration, and it has transformed me in ways I never would have thought possible. Both on and off the court, I will carry with me the lessons I have learnt here for the rest of my life.
I can’t put into words how much you mean to me, coaches and teammates. You have served as my inspiration, my family, and my mentors. I will always treasure the link that was formed by the innumerable training hours, the conflicts we faced together, the triumphs we shared, and even the difficult defeats that motivated us to improve. I appreciate you constantly supporting me, believing in my abilities, and pushing me past my comfort zone.
Fans of the Demon Deacons, you are the program’s lifeblood. Every game has been a wonderful experience thanks to your enthusiastic applause, enthusiasm, and constant support. Your presence was always felt, whether we were fighting on the road or performing at home in front of a crowded arena. You gave me support when I needed it, and your devotion to our squad is incredibly admirable. I will always be honored to have performed for a crowd as fervent and committed as yours.
Thank you for being my foundation, family, friends, and everyone else who has helped me along the journey. I will always be thankful for your love and sacrifices, which have enabled me to pursue my goals.
Even if this chapter is coming to a close, the relationships and memories I’ve made here will endure forever. Wake Forest will always remain my home, and I will always be a Demon Deacon at heart, regardless of where life leads me.
With all of my affection and appreciation,
Cowles, Malaya